Sunday, October 11, 2009


今天是礼拜日,虽然昨天去海洋公园玩到晚上11:00多,可是今天我们起了个大 早,就到海洋公园旁边的太平山去摘水果,因为奶奶跟爷爷就住在太平山。 我们到了太平山下後,就鞋子脱了开始爬山,大约1分钟就到山顶了。山顶上的空 气很好,爷爷带我们去他的果园。 哇……爷爷的果园好大,种了好多果树,有西瓜树、草莓树、菠萝树……因为我太小 了爬不上树,爷爷就爬上西瓜树,摘了一颗最大的西瓜丢给爸爸,爸爸用一只手就接 起来了! 果园还有很多长在地上的水果,像苹果、梨子、椰子等等……爷爷摘了一些椰 子,用手把椰子皮剥掉,去籽,然後分给每个人吃。椰子好好吃喔!我吃了20几 个。表弟还拿椰子丢我的脸,痛死! 吃完了水果大餐,我们到太平山旁边的喜玛拉雅山去玩,听老师说喜玛拉雅山是 世界上最高的山。 果然老师没有骗我们,我跟表弟爬呀爬,大概爬了2分钟才到山顶,我热死了...

This is an essay that I copy from Cg. Lei Ko Kien at facebook.
After u are finish reading this essay, what do you think?
I am very sweating about it la... Really...
Comments taken:

1) 这就是现代小孩子~~~哈哈~~~因为科技太发达了,搞
不好这些会成真~~~ =.=
2) 哈哈,那棵西瓜一定有上千年了,还有太平山在那里?lolsss...

From now on, I have to apologize to Jennie Law because of my strictness when I took my duty on last Friday. Really sorry about that... Even though you forgave me, I still felt guilty about it. I don't know why the students are proactive at that moment and I just lose my temper in a blink of eye to scold them. The prefects are just pass by them and I really mad about it. Haiz... Hopefully it will not happen again on next time. I just hope that the prefects are more brave to handle and face these problems in an unit. Don't wait for my instructions la~ It's really tiring... Remember the slogan: All For One, One For All! Please don't leave me to face the problems by my own. Really need your generous help when taking duty...
Feeling dizzy now~ Nite! ^^

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