Monday, November 30, 2009


I went to a wedding with my mother at "Ah Kao" Restaurant on 1130 for a lunch. Actually, it's my father attends for it but he is not at Sarikei at that moment so I substitute him lo~
It's my mother's father's brother's daughter's wedding.
A little bit complicated, huh? hehe...
I sat at the corner but I still can view the stage.
Well, got 4 歌王 are sitting the same table as mine.
Some of them include counselor and Zang Hui's father.
They sing songs in orders because there are too many singers la.
The MC also told everyone that they are hiding at the back of the big post. lolz... The wedding started on 1230 and ended on 1400.
Hope them will happy always ba!
I just take it for fun nia...^^

The woman inside the photo seems like my aunty eh~ hehe...

Today is the last day of November 2009 o!
Time is really passes in the blink of eyes.
From now on, I just feel sorry to someone else. As I said before, "If it's for your own good, I will undoubtedly let you go~"
Maybe if it happens on others, it is simple. However, for me, it's complicated, terribly complicated. I know you are innocent about that incident but I had darkness in my heart too. I don't know whether you view my blog or no. For others, don't ask details about it.
It's because for others, it's not the big deal.
Everyone, enjoy the last day of November 2009 ba! ^^

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