Thursday, November 26, 2009

Short trip

I went to Bintulu for a few days only to attend my cousin's wedding.
She get married on 21/11/2009.
I took a lot of photo and recorded many short video clips as well.
I am quite lazy to upload them at here because it takes loads of times. If you are interest about it, view it at my facebook ba~
My whole family are staying at my uncle's house (mother side).
My uncle will move on to another bigger house in Bintulu eh~
Wa... so rich! Thus, maybe it's my last time to view his actual house ba~ T_T
Upon the second night, my cousins ask me to sleep with them.
Oh, can't defend them! because 1 vs 4. haha...
Nevermind~ I also want to experience it ma~ ^^
Time is passing very fast la!
I don't have much chance to go to Bintulu le~ Haiz... Hate it~
Hope that my cousin and her husband will happy and love each other always ba! That's my wish to both of you lo! n_n

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