Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Give me a break!

Sean Chen, please give a deep break!
I really don't want our friendship is worsen just like that.
If you not consider me as your friend, that is another question.
You got send me some messages to me by sms tonight.
I have to write it down so when others view my blog,
they will know the details of the situation now.

1st msg: ...erm abt you comment abt me in your blog...that i am self-centre...let me see who only have one true friend until now? Xiao jen ho...i thought not self centre ppl have many friend eh...sorry la are you wrong abt me?

Comment: 嗯...我事前已大大强调你不了解我所以千万别胡乱猜测! 你怎知我只有小真此朋友呢? 在此, 我得向她男友道歉因为我提到她的名字. 或许你的朋友比我多, 我全然不知, 也不方便说些什么. 当然我其中一位知心朋友是她. 我想我没必要对你说其余的吧! 其原因简单利落-->你是我的谁啊!你只不过是我其中一位朋友而已.

2nd msg: And sin wei sokong you in the chatbox...memang you got couple le...dont want let ming fong find abt you two?

Comment: 我不怕明凤知道些什么. 对于此事件, 我不怕冒犯谁因为我是清白, 无辜及做事干净利落的人. 诺我不曾碰触及执行的事件, 我怒不承认. 他只是想还他一个清白, 这样也不行吗? 他有此权力, 不是你我可干涉或介入的. 恳求你瞻前顾后, 别胡做非为, 在那胡扯!

3rd msg: I thought sin wei good with ming fong how come you le?

Comment: 你想的不错! 他们的友情是不错. 难道就因此我不能与他们做好友.你此思想逊咖了! 为什么你处处针对我呢? 我只想在此假期把所有烦恼抛到九霄云外. 看起来是难执行的吧...唉!

4th msg: And feel banggalah put my message on the blog? Don't be...what you write just show what i mean...just great...

Comment: 假设你这么想就好了! 我公布你的信息在我的部落格的宗旨不是为了要得到我独自的虚荣心; 而是让读者一目了然. 恳求你别胡思乱想了.

5th msg: Self centre? Hmm...fong sien...

Comment: 我并非不承认自私自利的行为; 至少我尽我所能去改进呀. 谁会想要这坏行为呀? 至于你至今的所作所为, 你自私自利的行为已变本加厉了! 让我们一同抵抗这恶魔吧! 愿主与我们同在!

6th msg: Posting my sms and your comment up just maybe your biggest mistake? Hmm...what you write show who you are...i am right?

Comment: 没错! 我只能在我的部落格公布因为我的独自看法实在是长篇大论了! 我也绞尽脑汁, 千方百计地尝试着解决问题呀!

7th msg: And one more thing...do our ex-classmates link their blog to your blog? I wonder...erm does this show how you self-centre you are in the past till now? Man i have rethink o...i wonder do their know your blog exist? I wonder too...:D only your couple keep on reading your blog eh?

Comment: 我自制部落格并不一定得让我所有的朋友阅读啊! 假设他们能寻找我的部落格的话, 我也大大欢迎他们呀! 至于此事, 我并不在乎你的言论. 难道其他人的部落格诺无人观看或阅读的话, 这能证明他们自私自利吗? 这确实是毫无根据的理论嘛...

8th msg: Ok i know you want to win...so win bah...happy mah?

Comment: 这真是无中生有的诬告嘛! 我与你有参与任何一项比拼吗? 答案是没有嘛... 那我能莫名地快乐吗? 真是莫名其妙! 因此, 请一概不提输赢, 好吗?

9th msg: ...hmm...bu kang reply?

Comment: 以上都是我对你的回应. 为何我不回复你的信息呢? 不是我胆小如鼠; 而是我不想再制造任何冲突了. 我真的好疲倦了! 如果所有的误会及争执再继续下去的话, 最后搞到两败俱伤, 那又何苦呢?

最后, 我奉劝你别再做孽了! 也许你想针对我, 我不知道, 我也不希望那是真的. 诺是真的, 恳求你别向我周遭的朋友下手, 好吗? 希望你下不为例了! 各位晚安!

"Happy Birthday to my teacher, Cg. Yip Chin Chin!"

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