Hope this method will help those who have the same problem as mine.
Fix 8100030d Messenger Error
When you are trying to sign in Windows Live Messenger you are getting an Error Code 8100030d.
Signing in to Windows Live Messenger failed because the service is temporary unavailable. Error Code 8100030d,
The system clock or date may be set incorrectly.
The Dynamic Link Library (DLL) softpub.dll, may not be registered on the system.
Internet Explorer may be using an invalid proxy server.
Zone Alarm is running.
- Double click on the clock in the taskbar and make sure the system clock is set correctly.
- Disable Zone Alarm
- Register softpub.dll using the regsvr32.exe tool.Click Start, and then click Run.
- In the Open box, type regsvr32 softpub.dll and then click OK.
- Do the same for the following regsvr32 wintrust.dll, regsvr32 initpki.dll, regsvr32 MSXML3.dll.
- Restart Windows Live Messenger.
If you are still unable to fix Windows Live Messenger your computer might be infected, we recommend you to Download registry cleaner to fix your errors and speed up your computer.
From our experience the best registry cleaner is Registry Easy.
--> Others:
Delete the cache files for Messenger. Follow the steps below based on which version of Operating System that you are using:
Enable Hidden files and Folders:
Windows XP :
1. Click on Start – My Computer (double click on it)
2. On the Tools menu, Click on Folder Options.
3. On the View tab, locate Advanced settings and then follow these steps :
3.a Click Show Hidden Files and Folders
3.b Clear the Hide protected operating system files check box.
3.c Clear Hide file extensions for known file types check box.
4. Click OK and close the Window.
Windows Vista:
1. Click on Start – My Computer (double click on it)
2. In the Explore window, click Organize
3. Choose Folder and Search Options
4. In the Folder options window, click on view tab
5. Select the option “Show Hidden Files and Folders” click Ok
Delete Windows Live Contacts Folders in Windows Live Messenger:
1. Click on Start – Double click on My computer
2. Browse to the location:
(In Windows Vista, C:\Users\(Windows Logon name)\App Data\Local\Microsoft).
(In Windows XP, go to C:\Documents and Settings\{Windows logon name)\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft)
Note: Windows Logon name is the logon name that you use to sign in to windows. Your Messenger email address is the address that you use to sign in to Messenger.
3. Look for Windows Live Contacts folder and delete the entire folder.
Note: Please ensure to exit Messenger even from the task manager before deleting this folder.
4. Try to Sign into Windows Live Messenger again.
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