Saturday, December 19, 2009

No water!

In the morning about 0345, I wake up to fetch my mother and other two people to bus-stop which is next to Civil Centre.
They have activities at Kuching but I don't go because of I can't stay in bus for long journey de~ ^^
Then, I go back to continue sleeping again~
When I wake up again, NO WATER!!! haiz...
Fortunately, my mother already washed all the clothes.
Otherwise, I don't know how to handle it lo~ =.='''
Photo below are the proof that no water supply at that moment.
Well, I don't have my lunch today because no water supply to wash the rice ma~ zzz...
Some house laundry also can't done by me lo~
I also don't have energy to do those stuffs liao... =.=
Hopefully this is only and last time ba~ Speechless~ @_@

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